Thursday, December 27, 2007

Best/Worst Of The Year

Man, the holiday season sure kept me busy this year - leaving me little time to do any sort of extracurricular writing. But now that I'm emerging from my Christmas coma, hopefully I'll be a little more active at the keyboard. Until then, I'd like to point you towards my Best/Worst list for 2007 - posted for your pleasure at Shock Till You Drop:


  1. Pretty good listing - with one main quibble on the BEST list:

    Where is THE HOST?!

    Have a Happy New Year.


  2. Unfortunately The Host is a movie I didn't get around to seeing this year! I'm definitely happy with my "Best" picks but I imagine it might've been a slightly different list had I seen films like The Host, The Last Winter or Right At Your Door.

    Anyhow, thanks for the feedback and have a Happy New Year!
