Monday, April 14, 2008


Cinefantastique was a magazine that formed the backbone of my evolving fandom during the '80s. It altered me to a need to dig deeper into the genre films I loved and the accomplished writing that filled CFQ's pages proved to me at a crucial age that there would be no need to abandon these films as I moved into adulthood, that they could sustain my interest long past my adolescent years.

I still refer back to my back collection of CFQ issues for info and inspiration and while the magazine has ceased publication as a print entity, it lives on in cyberspace. So it's a truly wonderful moment for me to see that this blogspot has been deemed worthy for inclusion in the very exclusive ranks of their site's blogroll.

I'm usually not one to blow my own horn but I have to say that this really put a smile on my face.

Thanks, CFQ - I'm honored!


  1. You deserve the recognition... your writing on these genre films has been consistently entertaining and well-considered.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for the kind words - that's really gratifying to hear!

  4. Well deserved congrats and thanks for posting that great cover of Cinefantastique, that was one of my favorite issues!

  5. Thanks for the support - much appreciated! And yeah, I love that issue of CFQ, too!
