Monday, November 3, 2008

It's Not Just Like A Wind That's Passing Through

History has a way of sweeping people along in its changes...

And we have to wonder: Do we define the times we live in, or do they define us?

On November 4th, we Americans will elect our next leader. We've heard all the speeches, we know what's at stake. Now only one can win.

So don't be afraid of the crowds...

Even if you're feeling a little stiff...

Get off your couch...

No matter how far you have to drive, take the time to vote...

Right here, right now - it's on. So let's just come together, by God, and BRING IT.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. I had jury duty yesterday so it was a double whammy for me. Patton Oswald had a joke about a president delivering a zombie invasion, but as a good thing. I don't remember the punch line though.
