Saturday, July 11, 2009

Just Because It's So Awesome...

...And just because after a week of inactivity, I've got to break out of my rut, here's the trailer for 1982's The Beast Within - a film that remains the last word in were-cicada cinema. It's too bad that the kind of hyperbole seen in this trailer has gone out of style ("...Even YOU may not survive!"), because I think every horror movie ought to be sold this way.

On a side note, if there's anything freakier than Paul Clemens flaring his nostrils (at 0:42 sec), I don't want to know about it.


  1. Ha! That's a great trailer for a cool movie. love how the warning gets ripped right in half, like it's too late, The Beast Within has already gotten to you! Movie plays on one of the cable movie channels all the time, wish I could remember which one, probably IFC, but they play it in wide screen and it looks great for how old it is.

  2. Yeah, this trailer is so dramatic, they ought to give a warning for the trailer itself! "...The only thing more terrifying than the last six seconds of this trailer is the first eighty! We dare you to stay in your seat until...ah, fuck it - it's already over!"

  3. And only if they had had an unscrambled Megatron voiceover could this have been any more of a Prime (heh) "Wait... is that... Peter Cullen?" moment.
