Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trick Or Trailers: Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990)

Some trailers are seen and soon forgotten but the trailer for 1990's Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III is forever. The troubled production, which was eviscerated by the MPAA before it reached US theaters, did nothing to kick start the Texas Chainsaw franchise but yet its ingenious trailer, riffing on the legend of the Lady in the Lake and Excalibur, remains a thing of true coolness.

That New Line went the extra mile to have this trailer shot when it would've been much easier to go with clips from the film is curious - especially when its reference was likely lost on much of Leatherface's audience. Marketing Rule #365: If you want to sell a slasher movie, don't spoof Arthurian lore. Still, while it didn't help Leatherface make bank, this spot remains one of the most creative horror trailers ever.


  1. Ha, I totally forgot about this trailer, though I do remember thinking it was a hoot.

    I've only seen the MPAA-hobbled cut of TCM III (back when it first came out on VHS), but I read that the DVD has both that and the uncut versions. Is it worth seeing the uncut version after all these years?

  2. Even uncut, the movie isn't much good. I maintain a soft spot for it, though, and the DVD is recommended just for the documentary on it that gives a good glimpse of the problems the film faced both internally at New Line and with the MPAA.

  3. Wow - I must have seen that back in the day, but I don't recall it. Too bad the movie didn't live up to it!

  4. No big deal - they can't all be winners!

  5. Holy shit! If only the movie was as schweet as that trailer!

  6. Yeah, I forgot about this trailer! I got the reference back then too.

  7. Your countdown need not go further...this is the best one by far! I love when he does a 180 jump turn, all overweight and shit! I remember that teaser very well and always thought it was so cool...I haven't seen the film probably since it was on VHS, but I remember liking it enough. That clip is almost as memorable for me as the poster for Chainsaw 2. Great pick, Jeff!

  8. Matt, I had a feeling you'd get a special kick out of this one - I wasn't going to let Trick or Trailers end without it!
