Sunday, December 27, 2009

"The Funniest Doll You've Ever Seen"

When buying toys for our young son at Christmas time, I think my wife and I are like most parents in that we avoid buying toys that were designed by Satan and mass-produced in Hell. So it's with some curiosity that I look back on this 1970 commercial for Remco Inc.'s Baby Laugh A-Lot. Go on, take a look:

What parent could've seen that commercial and been inspired to bring this plastic nightmare into their home? More so, what young serial killer-in-training could've possibly asked to own this plaything of the damned - to willingly want to spend even a single night in its company? I have to imagine that any household sorry enough to have harbored this unholy creation would've been susceptible to many tragic misfortunes. Like many murder and suicide, for starters.

And damn, I can only imagine how Baby's laugh sounded when its batteries started to run down. Real fucking evil, is what I'd guess.


  1. That's the friggin' scariest shit I've seen all week!
    The 'action shots' of the kids turning to laugh at the camera actually made me jump! Gah!

    Thanks for the scare.

  2. You're welcome, Knob! I think even Chucky would get owned by Baby Laugh A-Lot!

  3. That'd be awesome - although I think Chucky would have to call for back-up from the clown doll from Poltergeist!

  4. Throw in the Zuni doll from Trilogy of Terror and you are talking one HELL of a flick!

  5. Thanks for the nightmares, Jeff! That doll is beyond frightening!

  6. Holy shit that's terrifying!Apparently, there's a DVD that chronicles this along with other creepy dolls from the 50's, 60's and 70's. I imagine its equally as terrifying.,-60,-&-70's-COMMERCIALS---Remastered!_W0QQitemZ400093705795QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20091226?IMSfp=TL091226203006r19549

  7. Matt, you're welcome - but we should all be thanking Remco!

    And PoT, thanks for the link!

  8. That has to be the freaking scariest thing I've seen in a toyshop since Chucky.

    I'm gonna have nightmares now, thanks a bunch.

  9. Great Grandma sent Horror Baby a lifesize baby doll for Christmas and the wife wont touch it. Literally. She makes me hide it face down in the toy box, but thats all the worse since you know its going to find its way back to the top on its own

  10. Carl, it's a fact that you can't keep an evil doll down!

    And Geof, I think that laugh would give even The Joker nightmares!

  11. Wow, that was . . . disturbing :) come they make the evil dolls red heads?! :D Just because many of us (frog queen included) are, in fact evil....:D

    Anyway, I am off to ebay, I think I really need one of those! :D

