Sunday, January 24, 2010

Butcher Knives & Body Counts

This fall, a new anthology compiling over 75 essays on slasher cinema will be released by Dark Scribe Press. The title is Butcher Knives & Body Counts: Essays on the Formats, Frights and Fun of the Slasher Film. Contributors to the collection include authors Jack Ketchum, John Skipp, Stephen Graham Jones, Cody Goodfellow, Lisa Morton, Hatchet and Frozen director Adam Green, FANGORIA's Tony Timpone, Going To Pieces author Adam Rockoff, and many others.

I'm happy to say that I will be included among these names, with three essays set to appear in BK&BC. My small part in its pages aside, I think this is going to be a terrific book for slasher fans so I'm anxiously awaiting its publication. For more info, check out Dark Scribe's BK&BC blogspot!


  1. AWESOME! I can't wait till it comes out and if any one should be included in a book of Slasher film essays, it's you Jeff! There are some pretty awesome contributers included, so congrats sir.

  2. Thanks Matt! Looking at the other contributors, I think this book can't help but be terrific!

  3. That is some august company, good sir! All the congratulations in the world - and richly deserved!

  4. Great news!
    Congratulations on that!
    You're moving into some exalted company there... more of that much deserved recognition.

  5. Very nice, please keep us up to date J, looking forward to the release!

  6. Thanks Carl - I'll give updates as new info comes in!

  7. Wow, truly an honor congrats to you Jeff! I will definitely be picking this up as the slasher sub-genre is my favorite.

  8. Congrats, Jeff! Looking forward to reading your contributions to the book, as well as all the others who, uh, contributed. (Sorry, it's been a long day; my mental thesaurus is running on fumes.)

  9. I must say I love me some horror related essays. Congrats on the inclusion! I'm merely a website lurker, but I've always enjoyed your writing style. Keep 'em coming!
