Monday, March 29, 2010

Maxed Out

For those who come by here on a regular basis, sorry for the lack of updates lately. Things have been kind of tweaked on my end with the looming threat of unemployment darkening my doorstep - a worry that's made it hard for me to focus on much of anything. The theater chain that I've been working with for the past ten years was recently bought out and despite some initial assurances, there's no guarantee I'll be asked to stay after the transition is over. Time will tell where my paychecks will be coming from but in the meantime, thanks for sticking around - things will pick up eventually.


  1. Sending you only good thoughts and well wishes, Jeff - and hoping all dark clouds will soon pass...

  2. Thanks for the support, Steve - I appreciate it!

  3. JA:
    Good luck with everything--and if anything bad happens, read Donald Westlake's The Ax for inspiration!

  4. Chin up Jeff, and best of luck...I found myself laid off back in January, but luckily I got picked up my another ad agency by Feb. 1.

    Ironically, the new job has given me even less time to blog as regularly as I'd like.

  5. Thanks for the encouragment, FF! Glad things are going good for you! I'm sure they'll work out for me, too.

  6. Good luck on that... much better to approach it as an opportunity than as a burden... but that's easier said than done when you've got other mouths to feed than your own.

    Still, you've got mad skillz... it should all work out for the best.

  7. I'm sure it will but when things are in flux, it's hard to stay upbeat. Thanks for the well-wishes, though!
