Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer Shocks

If you think that things have been quiet around here lately because I've been slacking off, that's not quite the case. Instead I've been busy gearing up for a big summer project over at Shock Till You Drop. It occurred to me recently that while the fall may be the time of the witching season, my most indelible horror movie memories belong primarily to the summer months. Shock's managing editor Ryan Turek is of the same mind so we've decided to spend this summer celebrating thirty year's worth of our favorite summer horror releases. We're kicking off with the summer of 1979 with Ryan taking on The Tall Man's debut with Phantasm and myself making the trip to check out some infamous real estate in Long Island. We've got plenty of great movies lined up to reminisce about between now and Labor Day so I hope people will enjoy the ride!

Read Ryan's Phantasm review here.

Read my Amityville Horror review here.


  1. The Amityville house just went on the market Monday, Jeff. Lay down a cool $1.15 million, and it's yours!

  2. If only I had that kind of cash flow, Senski! That'd be one sweet piece of property to own!
