Saturday, September 25, 2010

Put This Face On A Stamp, Already

With myriad personal going-ons keeping me busy and a general apathy towards celebrating my own milestones, I let the recent anniversary date of Dinner with Max Jenke pass by without notice. But with some time to spare tonight, I thought it would be good to acknowledge it - albeit belatedly. On September 12th, 2007, I made my first post here and while much has changed in the blogosphere since then, things here have pretty much stayed the same.

Re-reading my initial posts from '07, I find there's not a jarring disconnect from the way I'm expressing myself today. Then again, three years isn't that long ago and by the time I started this blog I was fully cooked as a person (and then some) with not a lot of big changes to my personality likely to come about. I will say, though, that there's been a lot of posts over the years that I've looked back on and cringed. Some of them just didn't come out the way I wanted them to. Sometimes the writing skills just fell short. But I keep those misbegotten posts up just the same. People should have to live with their mistakes, I say. It keeps you humble.

On the occasion of this bygone anniversary, my thanks to everyone who's ever come by to offer comments or encouragement. It's always appreciated and it always gives me the motivation to keep writing. A lot of bloggers don't stick it out and I find it sad that some who were around when I started have vanished.

To those lost bloggers - like Absinthe of Gloomy Sunday - who helped inspire Dinner with Max Jenke and slipped away since, I dedicate this post.


  1. Three years seems to be an eternity in the blogosphere, so in my eyes that is quite an achievement. And even if you are critical of some of your past work, I have always found it to be very inspirational, especially when I jumped on the bandwagon myself.

    Your wit, knowledge of the genre and taste in cinema come together for an always intelligent, entertaining and sometimes hysterical blog that is unlike any on the market. You're one of the best there is, and I look forward to another 3 years of Max Jenke sneering at me!

  2. Matt, as long as the internet is around, I'll keep Max's cruel countenacne alive! Thanks for the congrats - as everyone knows, you're a true blogging superstar!

  3. Congrats, man. All writers have the occasional piece they look back on with embarrassment, but you've kept up a pretty high percentage of good to bad over your three years.

  4. Thanks Bob - I like to think so too! I'm actually pretty pleased with DwMJ overall but I think if you don't wince at things you've written at least once in a while, you're probably a little too high on yourself!

  5. Congratulations on your successful three years, sir! It's really nice to see such an insightful and humble writer continuing their passion for all this time. You're a true inspiration to all of us budding bloggers out there. Keep up your fantastic love for all things horror!

  6. Will do, Joe - thanks for the kind words!

  7. Congrats on the milestone! I always enjoy your writing even I don't comment. You're a rare, eloquent voice out there in the blogosphere. Keep up the good work!

  8. Can't remember if I've asked your thoughts on this before, as per "The Horror Show,"and "Shocker." I know it's crossed everyone's mind. Cunningham and Craven. "T.H.S" is by far (by effing far) the superior film, of course. But no one, at least that I've ever seen, has tried to clarify things.

  9. I don't know, Bill. If you mean whether there was any creative theft involved between the two films, I don't think so. I think it's just happenstance that the two former collaborators each had movies about exeucted killers coming back to haunt the living. But who can say? I do prefer THS over Shocker but when you've got Lance Henriksen and Brion James going head to head - how can you beat that?

  10. Congrats!
    I've been reading you since the Gravedigger's Lounge days and I admire your sticktoitiveness.

    I owe you so many thanks for all the cool films you've turned me on to...

    I'll be reading as long as you continue writing.

  11. I'm catching up on blog reading, but congrats on 3 years Jeff! I guess I'm at 3 years too, give or take 2 blog switches and a 6-month break last year.
