Saturday, December 25, 2010

Santa Klaus Is Comin' To Town

He sees you when you're sleeping...

He knows when you're awake.

He knows when you've been bad or good...

So be good for goodness' sake!

Oh, you better not pout...

You better not cry...

You better not shout, I'm telling you why...

Santa Klaus Is Coming To Town!

He's making a list...

He's checking it twice...

He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice!

Santa Klaus Is Coming...

Saaaanta Klaus Is Coming...

Santa Klaus Is Coming To Tooooown!


  1. Yeah Arbo, I had some reservations about posting this one but I figured "what the hell - it's Christmas!"

  2. That last picture begs to be captioned "I haff eaten all der jam."

  3. Pretty hilarious!
    Klaus is one of my favorite madmen.

  4. Arbo, that comment is going to have me laughing all day!

    Knob, thanks! He's one of my favorite madmen, too!

  5. Thanks Johnny - glad you enjoyed it!

  6. My girlfriend and I keep passing over this one on Netflix Instant but now I think I must insist we watch it.

  7. Give it a shot, Will. It's definitely on the unpleasant side but with Klaus around it's easy to remember you're just watching a movie.

  8. Just watched Fitzcarraldo the other day. Kinski = PWNAGE
