Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Old Man Jenke

As of today, Dinner with Max Jenke is half a decade old. It's been five years since I inaugarated this blog back on September 12th, 2007 - that's practically an eternity in blogosphere time. A huge thanks to everyone who's stopped by to read and comment over the last five years - it's much appreciated.

I don't go back and look over old posts - mostly because I don't want to be confronted with my shortcomings as a writer - so I can't say how much, if at all, things have evolved or changed here over the past five years but I'm guessing that the picture that emerges of me is of a consistently middlebrow fan. I don't have esoteric tastes, I'm not especially intellectual (if at all), and I can't resist the allure of fair-to-middling genre efforts. That's my sweet spot right there. Hell, after I post this, there's a very strong chance I'll pop in my disc of The First Power. Or maybe Shocker. I don't know. God, I wish there was some beer in the fridge. That'd help me make up my mind.

When I started this blog I was still a fresh-faced thirtysomething. Now I'm a still moderately fresh-faced fortysomething. Every year, I wonder if this'll be the year when I finally get fed up with the current crop of horror and become disengaged as a fan but it hasn't happened yet. Sure, I don't love everything and there's plenty out there - including stuff that other fans embrace - that makes me roll my eyes in an exaggerated fashion but I like rolling my eyes in an exaggerated fashion.

More than that, though, I like coming across some new horror movie or TV show that reminds me of why I love the genre in the first place.

So here's to that. Cheers!


  1. Happy 5th Anniversary! I don't have time to read a lot of blogs, but I make it a point to drop by this place once every week or two. You never let me down. In my opinion, you're a fantastic writer. Don't apologize for your tastes. We all go for different colors in the horror spectrum.

  2. Congrats on five years of quality blogging, and may there be many more years to come.

  3. Happy Anniversary!
    I started reading you on The Gravedigger's Lounge... and have been consistently entertained ever since.
    You're very good at communicating what you think and why you think it... and that keeps me reading.

  4. Dom, Bob, Knob - thanks for the well-wishes!

  5. Congrats on the milestone! You certainly write one of the most consistently engaging and well-written blogs out there that's for sure.

    I agree that it gets harder and harder to get excited by new stuff that comes out but once in a while something like an INSIDIOUS or THE PACT surfaces seemingly out of nowhere that reignites my passion for the genre material.

  6. Whew! Time does fly! Seems like not too long ago I was reading your write ups at "The Undertakers Lounge". I always look forward to a new post. Keep up the good work.

  7. FC, thanks!

    CB - those Undertaker's Lounge days seem like a lifetime ago! Glad to still have you around!

  8. Congrats! Keep up the good work. Even though we may not always agree your blog is something I look forward too.

  9. Hey Jeff, it's been at least forever since I've commented (way back in the Undertaker's Lounge days...this is Josh in FL, the guy who sent you the paperback of Deadly Eyes about a decade ago). Just wanted to let you know that I still pop in every week or two and still very much enjoy your writing (and your appreciation for The Horror Show)! Happy 5th, and as always I'm looking forward to more!

  10. Hey Josh, it's great to hear from you! Thanks for the well-wishes! And I've gotta tell you - that Deadly Eyes paperback is still one of the coolest gifts I've ever recieved!

  11. Congrats on this milestone and keep it up! Your blog is always a place I look forward to visiting and I plan on doing so for many, many more years!

  12. Thanks for the kind words, Emily! Hopefully both our blogs will be around for a long time to come!

  13. Congrats on five years of DWMJ, Jeff! I'll be celebrating that milestone next year, God willing.

    New review at FilmFather: Chico & Rita
    Follow me on Twitter

  14. Thanks for the congrats, FF! Good luck on reaching the five year mark!
