For the record, here's his picks:
20. Dead-Alive (1992)
19. Darkman (1990)
18. Event Horizon (1997)
17. The Kingdom (1994)
16. The Descent (2005)
15. Shaun of the Dead (2004)
14. Hostel Part II (2007)
13. Misery (1990)
12. From Hell (2001)
11. Planet Terror (2007)
10. Ringu (1998)
9. Alien 3 (1992)
8. Drag Me To Hell (2009)
7. The Sixth Sense (2009)
6. What Lies Beneath (2000)
5. 28 Weeks Later (2007)
4. Scream (1996)
3. The Blair Witch Project (1999)
2. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
1. Audition (1999)
There's a lot of titles on that list that I wouldn't go for myself - at least not for the top 20 - but personally I think it's interesting to see what recent horror movies someone who isn't necessarily a fan considers to be the 'best' (Darkman? What Lies Beneath? Sure, why not?). Others, though, apparently feel otherwise - they're a little beside themselves over what is or isn't on this list. If any group of fans likes to take things personally, it's horror fans. Most of the time, that's a positive, other times not so much. In looking at how some readers have fumed on EW's site, I see that some people never fail to lose their shit if a film doesn't conform to their definition of what horror is ("This list is a JOKE! The Sixth Sense is a supernatural thriller - NOT HORROR! Learn something about movies, OK?!") or if - god forbid! - a movie be included that didn't personally scare them. Given all that, I still felt motivated to take my own shot at a top twenty. In putting this together, I debated including titles that were obviously important, popular or influential but that I didn't personally care for. And in the end, I opted to not bother. I don't discount the importance of films like Hostel, Scream, or Saw - or Twilight, for that matter - and in most cases, I also like those movies. But I just happen to like the 20 films on this list more.
Here's my Top 20:
20. Candyman (1992)

Still the best adaptation of a Clive Barker story to date. Director Bernard Rose (Paperhouse) delivered a real stand-out film here. Why he didn't continue to build a bigger body of work in the genre is a mystery as he clearly had a killer instinct for it - not just in knowing how to shock an audience, but in being sensitive to the deeper mythological potential of horror (the imagery in this film is wonderful - from the use of graffiti to the swarms of bees). Although Tony Todd as the Candyman may look like a typical slasher villain with his blood-encrusted hook, he's really a cursed, romantic soul (who will just happen to gut you). And Virginia Madsen as graduate student Helen Lyle is one of the bravest of doomed horror heroines (you sure wouldn't catch me crawling into a bonfire).
19. Exorcist III (1990)

18. From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)

17. In the Mouth of Madness (1994)

16. Safe (1995)

15. Silent Hill (2006)

14. Jacob's Ladder (1990)

13. The Ring (2002)

12. Dawn of the Dead (2004)

11. American Psycho (2000)

10. Inside (2007)

9. Mulholland Dr. (2001)

8. Se7en (1995)
When talking about why Se7en is so great, everyone always talks about David Fincher's direction (after all, this is the film that cleared his name after the - unfair, I believe - debacle of Alien 3) and Andrew Kevin Walker's darker-than-dark script, but I'd just like to give a shout-out to Rob Bottin's underappreciated FX work in this. Bottin's '80s work in films like The Thing, Legend, and Robocop is always cited as being classic, which it is, but his work in Se7en is right up there with his best stuff. I can only imagine how Fincher's eyes must've lit up when Bottin showed him the animatronic puppet for the sloth victim - at least I hope that was an animatronic puppet. If it was make-up on an actor, then damn - Bottin's even more of a genius than I thought.
Director John McNaughton's Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986) was described at the time of its release as being "too bloody for the art crowd but too arty for the blood crowd" - or something along those lines - but here is where the art house really meets the grindhouse. This Gasper Noe film that tells the story of a man out to avenge the rape of his girlfriend (a crime that unfolds in real time, over the course of nine agonizing minutes) is beautifully made but almost impossible to watch. In telling its story in reverse chronological order, the film has an almost transcendent effect. Its final images remind me - of all things - of the 'stargate' sequence in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968).
6. The Passion of the Christ (2004)
A lot of people would say that Peter Jackson made the best splatter movie of the last twenty years with Dead-Alive (1992) but they'd be wrong. In fact, he didn't even make the second best splatter movie - that honor belongs to Sylvester Stallone with Rambo (2008). Beating all comers is Mel Gibson with his Biblical bloodbath (and he didn't do so badly with his 2006 Mayan bloodbath Apocalypto, either). It might strike some as sacrelige to put this on a list of horror movies but this is the Cannibal Holocaust (1980) of Jesus movies. On top of the on-stop torture of Christ (a character so abused that by the end they have to replace actor Jim Caviezel with an animatronmic puppet - how horror movie is that?), the recurring images of the devil are every bit as disturbing as those of the glimpses of Captain Howdy in The Exorcist.
5. The Blair Witch Project (1999)
Every mention of this film seems to come with an acknowledgement that it isn't for everyone. But while this will always remain a divisive film, I love it and will never hesitiate to say how badly it scared me. This is as pure as horror gets. I think it's the closest horror has ever gotten - or ever will get - to being about fear itself.
4. Let The Right One In (2009)
Just when I thought I'd rather vomit out my entire intestinal tract rather than watch another vampire movie, along comes one of the best ever made. I second every bit of praise that's been directed towards this movie.
3. Audition (1999)
Rather than discuss this Takashi Miike movie - the Asian answer to Fatal Attraction (1987) - I think a transcript of my reactions during the final twenty minutes should do it: "No, no, no, no, no.....ohmygod....ah,ah,ahhhh....FUCK! FUCK! Nooooooooo!!! AAAAAAAA!!! Mommmeeeee!!!" Cue whimpering and...done.
Yeah, it swept the Oscars. Yeah, it's become a part of the cultural vocabularly - in other words, this is an easy movie to take for granted. It's sure not a movie a fan would pull out to prove their deep knowledge of the genre. But you know why almost everyone on the planet knows about Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal 'the Cannibal' Lecter? Because this movie is frigging great - it deserves all the acclaim it's gotten. If Jaws (1975) was the 'A' version of the B-monster movies of the '50s like Creature from the Black Lagoon (producer Jack Harris once called Jaws "The Blob with fins"), then Silence of the Lambs feels like the 'A' version of the kind of gritty psycho fare of the '70s like Deranged or Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
1. The Mist (2007)
Frank Darabont's long-awaited Stephen King adaptation got a mostly hasty brush-off by fans and critics when it was released in 2007 but The Mist has been on my mind lately. Watching footage on the news over the last few months of the tea baggers, 'birthers', and health care protestors bringing their vitrol to the streets and town halls of the country, I can't help but think of the character of Mrs. Carmody, as played here by Marcia Gay Hardy. When The Mist was released one of the biggest criticisms towards it was that Darabont had made Carmody's religious zealot into an unfair caricature and that the film's portrayal of how some of the townspeople were so quick to be mobilized to her bloodthirsty cause was unrealistic.

7. Irreversible (2002)

6. The Passion of the Christ (2004)

5. The Blair Witch Project (1999)

4. Let The Right One In (2009)

3. Audition (1999)

2. The Silence of the Lambs (1992)

1. The Mist (2007)

But looking at the public displays of white hot rage and hysteria of many people in our country, right now, is scarily like looking at Mrs. Carmody and her followers. This isn't about how people are being portrayed or demonized by the media, it's how they're actually acting and the things that they're actually saying - on camera for the world to see. To say that people wouldn't or couldn't react as violently to the situation in The Mist as some of the character here do is a case of wishful thinking. When the world stops making sense to some people, they lose it. The idea of responding with rational action goes off the table quickly and The Mist nails that. As its tagline stated, "fear changes everything".
As for the controversial ending, some have criticized it for being too bleak, or for making Thomas Jane act in a way that his character shouldn't have, but I disagree. A lot of people confuse the fact that as viewers we have an omniscent perspective on the story that the characters themselves don't. I think that Darabont does everything he can to sell us on the idea that hope has bottomed out by the end of The Mist. The world is gone. Gone like the generator in The Thing gone. Given all that these characters have witnessed and with the suggestion of even greater horrors awaiting them, it's not so unbelievable that Jane's father would take the action that he did.
And although the subsequent restoration of normalcy is cited as proof that Jane's dad was a fool for, um, jumping the gun, I think the suggestion is there that it was potentially the "blood sacrifice" that brought the world back. Had Jane and his son sat in that car for another day, or another week, the mist might've remained around them but it's only after Jane pulls the trigger that it clears and the world returns. Was it just shit luck, was it fate, or was Mrs. Carmody right all along? Whatever the case, I think Darabont gives the viewer more to consider than just a cynical twist.
Oh yeah, and The Mist also looks terrific in black and white. That's good enough for #1 for me.

I laughed out loud (with joy) when I got to #1
This List RULES!
seriously brilliant!
Love the inclusions of Mulholland drive and Irreversible as both of those movies scared the crap out of me
and its about time Jacob's Ladder got some recognition... people have been ripping off that movie for 20 years and never giving it any credit.
Personally, I hate OG's list because his lack of enthusiasm for the genre is apparent throughout. As a horror fan I'm just tired of reviewers like him and their prejudiced attitude. I'm sick of having to add an extra star or two to their reviews to make up for the bias. This is the same guy who recently called the ending of JC's HALLOWEEN "a bogus corporate plot twist" Don't mind me if I hate him forever for that ignorant remark. He's entitled to his opinion for sure but the end result is useless to me. (If I wrote a list of the 20 best rap songs of all time I'd expect to get an equal amount of flack.)
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to make a list that comes from an enthusiastic fan who knows what he is talking about and can back up his choices without insulting the films & filmmakers not chosen. The end result, unlike OG's, is a fascinating pleasure to read. -Unk
Thanks Unk! I'm so glad to hear you liked seeing The Mist at #1. As long as you're cool with it, I feel I must've chosen wisely! As for OG, I've been rolling my eyes at his reviews of horror movies for years now (I still remember him giving The Prophecy - one of my faves - an F!). It's nice when he gives a rave to a deserving film like Drag Me To Hell but by and large he just doesn't get the genre.
Great list!
So many of my favorites... and nothing I'd take serious exception with... except maybe Candyman.
Very happy that Silent Hill and Mulholland Drive made the cut.
I've never even heard of Safe... which I'm gonna have to check out despite my allergy to Julianne Moore.
Thanks, Knob - glad you're mostly happy with the list. Give Safe a look sometime - it's a quiet movie but seriously disturbing.
Great list, friend, and I personally agree that EXORCIST III's hallway scene = greatest jump-scare ever. The buildup is so tortured & slow, you finally get lulled, and then *SKREEEEEE!!!!* jarring music and smash cut, in your FACE!!! hehe.
Good stuff.
Thanks, J! Yeah, I remember flying out of my theater seat when that hallway murder occured. And even though the final exorcism was a studio-mandated addition, I thought Blatty did a great job with it.
Terrific list - Agreed with you about Mulholland Drive-that film stayed with me for months, and that damn monster/bum behind the dumpster haunted my dreams (As for Inland Empire - it's brilliant, just be ready to have a good three hours of your life to devote to it - and it might not be a bad idea to keep the remote handy to pause as needed to catch your breath).
The only film on your list I have not seen is Inside. Just put it in my Netflix queue.
Thanks, Pax! And thanks for the recommendation on Inland Empire - I'll catch up with it eventually. I almost sold my disc awhile back on ebay but I held off 'cause I know that one day I'll give it a watch.
As I would expect, your list is mad tight, Jeff and I would agree with most of it.
I concur that Silent Hill is a great piece of genre work, and doesn't get enough recognition from fans who only give the visual aspects of the film there due. The full body skinning scene is one of the most wild and amazing things I have seen in a horror movie in quite some time!
I still have yet to see Noe's Irreversible, but it has been on my must see list for a while now, and I too have never even heard of Safe. But it's "Safe" to say that I will be seeking it out soon!
Thanks for the awesome list!
Yo Matt, thanks for giving my picks a thumbs-up! I know that Silent Hill catches it share of shit from people but I think it blows the doors off most horror films. There's images in this film that just floored me - like the sight of the little girl joyously twirling and dancing under a rain of blood as a woman is ripped to pieces by barbed wire above her.
As for Irreversible and Safe - definitely give them a look. I have a feeling you'll like them!
Ugh, thanks for bringing politics into it, douche.
You're welcome!
Just happened to stumble upon this recently, so I know I am a bit late, but the slot victim in Se7en was an actor in make up. He was very thin and they made him look worse with make up and prostheses. Eerie, no?
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